Ekta Kapoor, the queen of Indian television, turned a year older and crossed 35 on the 7th of June, this year. She planned to throw a party, on the day she is free. This has become a routine for her now.
Ekta Kapoor, the trend setter, has set a trend in her personal life as well. She never holds her birthday party on the D-day, preferring to hold it at her convenience instead. "On the 16th of June, tomorrow, Ekta Kapoor, will finally throw a private birthday party for all her close friends. About 70-80 people have been invited and will get to enter her party." said a source.
Ekta Kapoor will also declare an official holiday for the team members working in her shows. Even though the official holiday notice is yet to arrive, the entire unit is expecting it this evening.
We asked an anonymous actor from her show. And she said, "We just might work for the whole day and join her for her birthday bash in the evening. However, there can be nothing better if we do get an off day tomorrow."
Well Ekta, we wishe you a belated happy birthday and hopes that you enjoy your private party which is a secret no longer!
Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:12 IST